European Parliament Traineeships 2024 – Funded

Application call for the European Parliament Traineeships for session 2024! Seize the opportunity and enroll now for Schuman and MEPs traineeships that can be your best decision to work within offices around Europe for 5 months. One of the seven institutions of the European Union and one of its legislative bodies is the European Parliament.

It approves European legislation in tandem with the Council of the European Union, based on a proposal from the European Commission. Moreover, the European Parliament Traineeship Program 2024 provides candidates with a unique chance to have personal experience in EU governance.

Traineeships with Members of the European Parliament and Schuman are two options to explore professional settings in popular cities of Europe like Luxembourg, Brussels, and Strasbourg. You may get a chance to work in the Liaison Offices in the Member States as well.

Purpose of European Parliament Traineeships 2024

The main goal of European Parliament Traineeships is to boost the skills of students who wish to apply. It enhances professional and self-learning traits by providing quality education through traineeships.

Schuman traineeship is available for various programs such as finance, legislation, administration, infrastructure and logistics, communication, IT, multilingualism, and EU internal and external policies. It aims to enhance vocational training and provide basic insights into the daily work setting of EU parliament and institutions.

On the other hand, MEP traineeship expands your knowledge of parliamentary procedures. Depending on the MEP’s area of expertise, these positions can offer a wide range of rich, practical experience in a variety of fields. In addition, it will enable you to comprehend the European Parliament members’ work on a deeper level.

Also, Check: UN FAO Internship Program 2024 | (Paid)

Types of Traineeships Offered in the European Parliament

  1. MEP Traineeship
  2. Schuman Traineeship

Traineeships Duration:

Schuman Traineeship:

  • 5 Months
  • Traineeship period: October 1–February 28–29; application period: May 1–May 31
  • Application period: 1 October to 31 July, traineeship period: 1 March to 31 July

MEP Traineeship:

  • From six weeks to five continuous months.

Eligibility Criteria:

Schuman Traineeship

  • Candidates must be at least eighteen years old and be citizens of an EU member state or an applicant or accession country.
  • Must possess a university-level diploma.
  • They must have command of official EU languages. Also, they should speak it very well in another language.
  • If a candidate is a resident of a non-member state, he must be able to English, French, or German.
  • The candidate should have a qualified criminal history.
  • Candidate should not have completed a study visit to the European Parliament’s Secretariat six months before the start of the program.
  • Should not have worked in any other kind of traineeship for more than two consecutive months in an EU institution, organization, or agency.

Members of the European Parliament Traineeships

  • The candidate should be at least 18 years old. Exception rules may apply on request.
  • Candidates should be citizens of the accession country or Member State of the European Union.
  • However, as long as they meet the necessary visa conditions, Members may provide a traineeship to citizens of third nations.
  • Candidates must possess a secondary school graduation certificate that meets the requirements for admission to a university.
  • They must have completed a higher or technical course of study to a level that is equivalent or have earned a university diploma.
  • Candidates must possess a solid understanding of one of the EU’s official languages.
  • They must not be involved in any contractual agreements while completing their traineeship.
  • They should not have completed a prior traineeship with a member or had a local or accredited position as a member’s parliamentary assistant.

EU Parliament Traineeship Benefits

Schuman Traineeship:

  • Trainees get a monthly grant and the amount of this traineeship changes as per their location.
  • Trainees can be able to earn approximately €1,524.59 a month on average.

MEP Traineeship:

  • The MEP will decide the start and end dates of these traineeships, which can range from six weeks to five months.
  • Students are awarded a monthly stipend that varies based on the duration and requirements of their traineeship, from EUR 921 to EUR 1510 for full-time jobs.

Check financial grants on this official link:

There is a specific financial monthly grant for multiple countries as per Article 25 of the Internal Rules.

Also, there is a specific disability allowance for multiple countries as per Article 26 of the Internal Rules.

There is a travel allowance which is a fixed amount for each trainee, EUR 300.

You can Refer to financial grants to have a clear picture.

Required Documents

  • An updated CV in (Europass Format).
  • The motivation letter should not exceed one page.
  • Provide Criminal Record.
  • ID/Passport.
  • University Degrees/Diplomas.

How To Apply for European Parliament Traineeships 2024?

Schuman Traineeship:

  • Candidates can submit applications for up to three traineeships.
  • Upon successful selection of the application, applicants will need to submit specific supporting documentation to demonstrate their eligibility.
  • Successful candidates will receive an official admission letter via email as well.


  • Get in direct contact with European Parliament members to make an application.
  • The Member of Parliament who grants the traineeship determines its duration, which might range from six weeks to five continuous months.

Application Deadline

The last date for the submission of an application for the EU Traineeship program is 31st May 2024

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